Privacy Policy for Sound Clear App

Thank you for using Sound Clear, an application designed to reduce noise from audio, edit audio and video audio while prioritizing your privacy. This Privacy Policy explains how we collect, use, and protect your information.

1. Information Collection

Sound Clear does not collect any personal data or files from its users. We do not require any registration, login, or account creation to use the application.

2. Data Storage

Sound Clear does not store any files, recordings, or processed data on our servers or any external storage. All processing and modifications of audio files occur locally on the user’s device.

3. Information Usage

As we do not collect any personal data or files, we do not use any information for marketing, advertising, or any other purpose. The application solely functions to provide noise reduction and audio editing capabilities to the user.

4. Third-Party Access

We do not share any information or data with third parties. Sound Clear operates independently on the user’s device and does not interact with any external services or APIs.

5. Security

We take the security of your data seriously. Sound Clear employs industry-standard measures to ensure the safety and integrity of the application. However, since we do not collect or store any data, there is minimal risk associated with using the app.

6. Children’s Privacy

Sound Clear is not directed towards children under the age of 13. We do not knowingly collect any personal information from children. If you believe that a child under 13 has provided us with personal information, please contact us, and we will promptly delete such information.

7. Changes to This Policy

We may update our Privacy Policy from time to time. Any changes will be reflected on this page, and it is your responsibility to review this Privacy Policy periodically.

8. Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy or the practices of Sound Clear, please contact us at [contact email].

By using Sound Clear, you consent to the terms outlined in this Privacy Policy.

Last Updated: 2024/03/07